Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well im bored why can't someone make like a cool video game or like a cool t.v. show now..... i mean like yeah one of my favorite shows on nickolodean that bee scout show thing they barely shows it. they like make new episodes show it like 2 3 times and end it and make another new one like next week they should really like continue it and like pokemon :P i love it love love but like i don't like the game where you have to take turns and attack why can't the game be like super smash and stuff that would be so Cool and that would like end boredom for like centuries :P

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I have the sniffle wiffle :(

Hello to who is reading this. well im sick :( i have the sniffle wiffle. i just made that up like when i was young....... cause you know when you get sick when your young adults always feels sad for you little childrens and say "aaaaaaawwwwww your sick, here just go to bed and call me if you need anything'' then later you act cute and yeah so i made that up cause i was just being haha adorable and didn't want to go out and walking. so yeah this is like a word i made tee hee hahhaaha ugh i feel sick :P this is very sad now ugh i wish my sickness just go away.